Best Wrist Position for Biceps Curls or Bench Presses

Published:  01/04/2016

The picture above shows a poor wrist position for a dumbbell or barbell bench press

Poor alignment or overuse of your wrist can lead to tendonitis or other wrist injuries.

The best position of the wrist for biceps curls is to keep your wrist joint "neutral" and kept from moving. Do not curl the wrist at the top.

Good wrist position for a dumbbell or barbell bench press is shown below. The best position of the wrist for bench presses is to fully grasp the bar using all fingers, even your thumb. Rest the bar on the lower meaty part of your palm, ensure that your wrists and elbows stay in alignment. Keep the wrists in a neutral position rather than hyperextended back. The wrist joint should remain in the neutral position and kept from moving.

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