Weight Loss Program Variables: Caloric Intake and Calories Burned

Published:  01/11/2015

Weight Loss Program Variables: Caloric Intake and Calories Burned

The two main variables that contribute to weight loss are caloric intake and exercise or calories burned. This illustrates how the different program variables can affect estimated weight loss. Keep in mind this is theoretical. Actual results may vary.

Client Sandra  
48 year old female, 5'5 inches, 222 pounds

BMR: 1641 Calories/Day

Calorie needs to maintain her weight are about 2256 (if she exercises 1-3 times a week)

1. Calorie intake
1750 calories per day.

2256 calories are needed to maintain her weight minus 500 calories per day deficit= 1750 per day intake = 1 pound loss per week

1256 caloric intake per day.

2256 needed to maintain minus 1000 calorie per day = 1256 per day intake = 2 pound loss

2. Exercise amount = calories burned
200 calories exercise x 7 = 1400 calories per week burned = .4 pound loss per week
600 calories exercise x 7 = 4200 calories per week burned = 1.2 pounds loss per week

SJ has several options to choose from depending on how much weight she want to lose:
1. 1750 calorie intake per day and 20 minutes exercise= 1.4 pound loss per week
2. 1750 calorie intake per day and 60 minutes of cardio =2.2 pound loss per week
3. 1256 calorie intake per day and 20 minutes exercise= 2.4 pound loss per week
4. 1256 calorie intake per day and 60 minutes of cardio = 3.2 pound loss per week

So weight loss can vary depending on caloric intake and caloric expenditure. For someone beginning a program I would recommend option 1 and gradually increase the amount of exercise done. Option 3 would also be a good start although I wouldn't recommend this low of a caloric intake for more than a week straight. It is important to maintain metabolic rate and too much of a decrease in caloric intake can decrease metabolic rate.

In reality this low 1256 caloric intake is difficult to continue on a daily basis. I find that most people when given this information end up using this information as a general recommendation to eat 1256-1750 calories per day and to exercise 20-60 minutes per day resulting in a 1.4 to 3.2 pound loss per week.

Categories:   Weight Management 

Tags:   #weightloss

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