Unwanted Inflammation and How to Reduce It
A special thanks to my intern, Callie Parry for writing this article. Our bodies are the vehicles in which we travel through life. We use them every day to move, explore, love and dance. Just like any vehicle our bodies can pick up unwanted passengers. That is why a system is in place for any possible situation. When the ...
Found in: Active Healthy Aging • Health Conditions
Exercise Boosts Cognitive Function, Creativity, Problem Solving and Productivity
A NASA study showed employees who exercised daily worked at 100% efficiency after 7 hours, while those who didn't saw a 50% drop, meaning it took them twice as long to accomplish the same thing. So, exercise, in effect, creates time. People who exercise regularly are healthier and have more energy; people who are health ...
Found in: Active Healthy Aging • Fitness • Healthy Behavior Change • Mindset
Things to consider before starting a weight-loss program
Because losing weight requires a lot of focus and mental and physical energy, you can't just plunge in. You need to make a commitment and prepare yourself. Part of that preparation is determining whether now is the right time. It's OK if it's not. Your success depends on your readiness to take this challenge on. ...
Found in: Mindset • Weight Management
Staying Motivated When You Begin An Exercise Program
Some of the most common reasons people cite for beginning an exercise program is that they want to lose weight or gain muscle or tone. They begin exercising full of enthusiasm with these goals in mind but slowly find that enthusiasm and motivation dropping. Getting motivated can be challenging, and continuing the ...
Get Moving. It Makes a Difference!
Weight gain occurs when a person eats more calories than they need. Everyone needs a certain amount of calories per day. If they eat too many calories above and beyond that then calories are stored as fat. Work with me and I can calculate how many calories you need daily. Physical activity is essential when you' ...
Found in: Active Healthy Aging • Fitness
Client Success Story: Caroline
Taken 8-3-17 12.4 pounds lost Taken 8-3-17 12.4 pounds lost Caroline is a busy professional and mother of three girls under the age of 9 who was discouraged because she felt she ate "so little" but was not seeing the pounds decrease. And, she wanted to be as strong and healthy as p ...
Found in: Healthy Behavior Change • Success Stories • Weight Management
Pre-prepping ingredients before dinner helps ease the rush and stress of mealtime. I work from home, so when I had some time mid-afternoon, I washed and cut the veggies, gathered the rice pilaf ingredients, and prepared the salmon in its baking dish. An hour before dinner, I put the green beans in a pot with the ...
Found in: Food • Healthy Behavior Change • Weight Management
Written by: Intern Callie Parry and Gene Purdum Maria has a vast group of past and current clients. They range in age, location and life experiences. To give you a better sense of the people Maria is helping through her business and expertise, we will be doing regular client spotlights. To start, we wou ...
Found in: Active Healthy Aging • Success Stories • Weight Management
Follow my Healthy Boat Living Instagram and Facebook accounts and YouTube. Join me a fitness and nutrition expert, my husband George and boat dog Emmie aboard our Tollycraft Little Bear as we navigate the tides of nutrition and exercise while embracing the unique challenges and opportunities that come with liv ...
Found in: Healthy Boat Living
Gym in a Bag Travel Workout with Bands
For each exercise, 8-12 repetitions improves strength and power, 10-15 repetitions improve strength in middle-age and older persons starting exercise, and 15-20 repetitions improve muscular endurance. I suggest trying this at home first before your trip so that you are familiar with how to do the exercises. Then you ...
Found in: Active Healthy Aging • Fitness • Healthy Boat Living • Weight Management
Body Composition and Weight Loss: What's the Real Goal?
Strength Training + Calorie Reduction = Fat Loss + Muscle Gain A Real Life Example Here is an example of the power of an excellent workout and healthy eating plan. These are the stats of one of my female clients that I have been working with for one year. When we started training and nutrition counseling in Ja ...
Found in: Weight Management
MAKE EXERCISE A TRICK: Instead of driving your kids around the neighborhood, walk them from house to house. You could burn 324 calories in an hour. ENTERTAIN WELL: If you're hosting a spooky bash, dunk for apples--and feel free to eat your prize. Serve fresh roasted pumpkin seeds instead of oily mixed nuts. BUY LA ...
Found in: Food • Weight Management