Healthy Behavior Change

Sustaining healthy behaviors is one of the most important things people can do to live long healthy lives. When you learn skills and practice healthy behaviors regularly, you can transform your body, habits and life in significant ways.


Creating Stress-Free Dinners

Pre-prepping ingredients before dinner helps ease the rush and stress of mealtime. I work from home, so when I had some time mid-afternoon, I washed and cut the veggies, gathered the rice pilaf ingredients, and prepared the salmon in its baking dish. An hour before dinner, I put the green beans in a pot with the ...

Found in:   Food  •  Healthy Behavior Change  •  Weight Management

Tags:   #healthyhabits    #recipes   

Walk Your Way to a Healthier You Program

As a woman over 45 myself (at age 62), I understand the challenges you face. That's why I empower women to thrive! As a registered dietitian and master certified trainer, I help you achieve sustainable weight loss, navigate menopause with ease, and embrace a life of fitness and active aging. •     ...

Found in:   Active Healthy Aging  •  Fitness  •  Healthy Behavior Change  •  Healthy Boat Living  •  Hiking and Mountaineering  •  Weight Management

Tags:   #exercise    #healthylifestyle    #weightloss    #workoutprograms   

Success Story: Frances

Sample Menu #1 Breakfast Homemade Drink - Honey and Lemon In Hot Water, 10 oz Organic Valley 0% - Milk, 8 fluid ounce Organic Valley - Grade A Extra-large Eggs, 1 egg Kelloggs - Miniwheats Original Frosted, 21 biscuits (54g) Apple - - Gala, 3.5 ounce ...

Found in:   Fitness  •  Food  •  Healthy Behavior Change  •  Success Stories  •  Weight Management

Tags:   #healthylifestyle   

Client Success Story: Joetta

Just look at the success Joetta has had!  Decreased body fat:  7.3% Decreased weight: 29.8 pounds Decreased inches:  17.75 inches Strength increased!  Pushups from 30 to 62! Dropped three sizes from a size 14 to a size 8 When Joetta initially called me she told me it was time to co ...

Found in:   Healthy Behavior Change  •  Success Stories  •  Weight Management

Tags:   #exercise    #healthylifestyle    #weightloss   

Quick and Easy Minimal Cook Healthy Meal Ideas, Grocery List and Simple Recipes

If you need an individualized plan contact me to work with me 1-on- 1.  Want the scoop on the latest nutrition research, healthy recipes, and nutrition tips delivered directly to your inbox? Write and let me know you'd like to subscribe to my newsletter! * *I will never share your information!  ...

Found in:   Food  •  Healthy Behavior Change  •  Nutrition

Tags:   #mealplanning    #recipes   

How To Minimize Holiday Weight Gain

Many will fall into the trap of gaining holiday pounds over the next several weeks, only to be faced with a belly of blubber that must be worked off in January. With a little thought and planning, YOU can avoid that cycle and start January ahead of the pack! Here are 5 tips to stay on track this holiday season. 1. & ...

Found in:   Food  •  Healthy Behavior Change  •  Weight Management

Tags:   #mealplanning    #menuplanning    #weightloss   

Busy Executive's Weight Loss Success Story

I'm a Dietitian and Master Personal Trainer who educates and inspires people LIKE YOU to shape their eating, exercise and lifestyle habits through my specialized programs.  If you're ready to take that step towards a happier, healthier you, contact me to apply for one of my programs.  I'm eager ...

Found in:   Food  •  Healthy Behavior Change  •  Success Stories  •  Weight Management

Tags:   #weightloss   

Client Success Story: Caroline

Taken 8-3-17 12.4 pounds lost  Taken 8-3-17 12.4 pounds lost Caroline is a busy professional and mother of three girls under the age of 9 who was discouraged because she felt she ate "so little" but was not seeing the pounds decrease.  And, she wanted to be as strong and healthy as p ...

Found in:   Healthy Behavior Change  •  Success Stories  •  Weight Management

Tags:   #exercise    #healthyhabits    #healthylifestyle    #weightloss   

Success Story: Cristiana

Decreased body fat: 8.2% Decreased weight: 22.2 pounds Decreased inches:  18.5 inches Strength increased! Pushups from 16 to 35. An increase of 54%. ...

Found in:   Fitness  •  Food  •  Healthy Behavior Change  •  Success Stories  •  Weight Management

Tags:   #healthylifestyle   

Healthiest Packaged Snack Options

Exploring nutritious snack choices is a cornerstone of maintaining a balanced and health-conscious lifestyle. From wholesome nuts and seeds to protein-packed Greek yogurt cups, this curated list of healthy packaged snacks offers a diverse range of options that cater to varying tastes and dietary preferences. Dive into ...

Found in:   Food  •  Healthy Behavior Change  •  Healthy Boat Living  •  Nutrition  •  Weight Management

Tags:   #healthyhabits    #healthylifestyle    #menuplanning   

How do you get clients through their training plateaus?

Article by:  Maria Faires, RD Published:  March 2014, IDEA Fitness Journal Owner, Active Nutrition Fitness and Nutrition Consulting, Sammamish,  WA IDEA is the world's leading organization of fitness professionals. IDEA's publication IDEA Fitness Journal contacted me and asked me to describe how ...

Found in:   Fitness  •  Healthy Behavior Change  •  Nutrition

Tags:   #exercise    #healthyhabits    #healthylifestyle    #weightloss   

Lowering Your Diet's Caloric Density: Eat More + Weigh Less

Bell EA, Castellanos VH, Pelkman CL, Thorwart ML, Rolls BJ. Energy density of foods affects energy intake in normal-weight women. Am. J. Clin. Nutr. 1998;67:412-420. [PubMed] Bell EA, Rolls BJ. Energy density of foods affects energy intake across multiple levels of fat content in lean and obese women. Am. J. Clin. Nutr. ...

Found in:   Food  •  Healthy Behavior Change  •  Weight Management

Tags:   #mealplanning    #menuplanning    #weightloss   

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