Are You Ready to Lose Weight?

Published:  07/15/2017

Which of these statements applies to you?

  • I’m motivated to make long-term lifestyle changes that are focused on eating healthy foods and exercising more.
  • My life is fairly calm right now, so I can make this program a priority.
  • I’m willing to lose weight slowly and safely for better health.
  • I believe I can change my eating habits.
  • I have family, friends or both who will support my weight-loss efforts.
  • I’m willing to find ways to be more physically active.
  • I’m realistic about my weight-loss goal — I can work on 5 to 10 pounds at a time.
  • I’m willing to record food intake and minutes of physical activity and will make time to do so.
  • I’m willing to look at past successes and failures, in weight loss and other areas of my life, to see what motivates me and keeps me working on obstacles to success.
  • I can view this as a positive, even pleasurable experience.

Categories:   Weight Management 

Tags:   #weightloss

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