Clear Liquid Low Residue Colonoscopy Bowel Prep Diet
Published: 09/11/2017

These foods are ok to eat on a clear liquid diet
What foods and liquids you can eat and what you should avoid before a colonoscopy can be confusing.
Discover the essential guidelines for preparing for a colonoscopy, including a comprehensive list of recommended foods and liquids to consume, as well as those to avoid, ensuring a successful and smooth procedure.**Please be sure to follow your physician's instructions and if there is a difference in instruction or advice, defer to your physician's advice. If you have diabetes, talk with your doctor, dietitian or diabetes educator.
The day before your colonoscopy you may be asked to follow a clear liquid diet. I want to provide you with some detailed info to make the process of consuming a clear liquid diet as painless as possible since the rest of your experience in prepping may be a bit uh, unpleasant. :-)
Clear Liquid Diet Foods List
This clear liquid diet is also appropriate if your doctor has told you you need a clear liquid diet for some other reason besides colonoscopy prep. But in that case, the color of the beverages does not matter. And of course, ignore the instructions about drinking the liquid bowel prep.
Note that for colonoscopy prep you may NOT have any food or beverage with red, blue, or purple coloring. The coloring may stain the inside of the intestinal tract. Orange, green and yellow are okay. And even though some alcohol is clear you may not have it.
The following foods ARE allowed in a clear liquid diet. The color of the food or beverage matters! NO red, blue, or purple coloring for colonoscopy prep. Orange, green and yellow are okay.
- Water (plain, carbonated or flavored)
- Fruit juices, clear and without pulp, such as apple or white grape.* No pineapple or orange juice for instance. If you can see through it, it's ok to consume.
- Fruit-flavored beverages, such as apple juice, white grape, WHITE cranberry juice.*
- Fruit-flavored drink mixes, such as Kool-Aid, Crystal Light*
- Carbonated drinks, including Mountain Dew, dark sodas (cola and root beer)* NO red, blue, or purple coloring for colonoscopy prep. Orange, green and yellow are okay.
- Gelatin (Jello)* NO red, blue, or purple coloring for colonoscopy prep. Orange, green and yellow are okay.
- Tea or coffee without milk or cream
- Sports drinks Gatorade, All-Sport, Powerade* The color matters! NO red, blue, or purple coloring for colonoscopy prep. Orange, green and yellow are okay.
- Clear, fat-free broth, bouillon or consommé
- Honey or sugar
- Hard candy, such as lemon drops or peppermint rounds
- Ice pops, fruit ice, popsicles, Italian ice. *NO red, blue, or purple coloring for colonoscopy prep. Orange, green and yellow are okay.
- No milk, bits of fruit, seeds or nuts
- Clear liquid nutritional supplements: Enlive by Ross, Carnation instant breakfast JUICE drink, Resource Breeze by Novartis
- Water
*NO red, blue, or purple coloring for colonoscopy prep. Orange, green and yellow are okay.
Low Residue Colonoscopy Bowel Prep Diet
New research shows that consuming small portions of low-residue (low-fiber) solid foods on the day before colonoscopy led to improved colonoscopies, compared with a clear liquid diet. PMID: 34114154
So some doctors are now using a cleansing method of low-residue (also called a low-fiber diet) for two to three days, followed by a clear liquid diet. Again, check with your doctor to find out the exact method of your colonoscopy cleansing and timing.
When you are on a low residue fiber diet, you will eat low-fiber foods that are easy for your body to digest. Your goal is to eat less than 10 to 15 grams of fiber each day.
Eating these foods may slow down your bowel movements.
This diet can include foods you are used to eating, like cooked vegetables, fruits, white breads, and meats. It does NOT include foods that make your bowels work more, like beans and legumes, whole grains, many raw
vegetables and fruits, and nuts and seeds.
Here is a list of low-residue foods that are ok to consume and those to be avoided for a low-residue, low fiber diet:
How to make a bad-tasting liquid prep like PEG easier to swallow
- Use a straw so the prep liquid goes to the back of your tongue
- Drink it chilled
- Hold your nose
- Suck on a hard candy after each glass
- Flavor the prep liquid with powdered lemonade drink mix, ginger or lime
- Bite into a lemon or lime after each sip.
Sample Clear Liquid Diet Menu
- 1 glass clear fruit juice
- 1 bowl gelatin
- 1 cup of coffee or tea, without dairy products
- Sugar or honey, if desired
- Water
- 1 glass clear fruit juice
- 1 bowl gelatin
- 1 ice pop
- Water
- 1 glass clear fruit juice
- 1 glass water
- 1 cup broth
- 1 bowl gelatin
- Water
- 1 ice pop
- 1 cup coffee or tea, without dairy products, or a soft drink
- Sugar or honey if desired
- 2 hard candies
- Water
- 1 cup clear juice or water
- 1 cup broth
- 1 bowl gelatin
- 1 cup coffee or tea, without dairy products
- Sugar or honey, if desired
Clear Liquid Diet Recipes
Sparkling Fruit Juice
- 1 cup clear fruit juice from clear liquid list
- 1/2 cup sparkling water
- 1/2 cup ice
Blend the juice and ice until slushy. Pour in a glass and add sparkling water.
Fruit Slushie
- 1-6 oz can of frozen clear juice concentrate
- 4 tbsp sugar
- 3 cups crushed ice
Mix all ingredients and blend until smooth.
Sparkling Lemon Lime Frozen Slush
- Juice from two limes
- Juice from one lemon
- 1 cup ice
- 5 tsp. sugar or to taste
- 1 cup sparkling water
Blend the juices, ice and sugar until slushy. Pour in a glass and add sparkling water.
Be the First To Know!

Maria Faires, RD
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