Client Success Story: Joetta

Published:  12/03/2016

Just look at the success Joetta has had! 

Decreased body fat:  7.3%

Decreased weight: 29.8 pounds

Decreased inches:  17.75 inches

Strength increased!  Pushups from 30 to 62!

Dropped three sizes from a size 14 to a size 8

When Joetta initially called me she told me it was time to conquer the weight and fitness issues she had battled for the last five years. Joetta held on to the weight she gained from her two pregnancies, citing her demanding job as being the biggest factor keeping her from being able to devote much time to herself.

How she did it: Joetta's "no excuses" attitude helped her shed the pounds. With my program for weight loss, she learned all about healthy foods and healthy portions. She started eating smaller portions and more vegetables. She used an online food journal so I could help her improve nutrition habits. Lunches out with coworkers were a daily challenge which she has conquered. She has learned to just say no to the foods she really doesn't want. She is more discriminating about what foods she chooses to spend her calories on and has learned that portion control is key.

Lacing up her running shoes also helped Joetta kick 30 pounds to the curb. She signed up for a half-marathon and began logging serious miles. She worked her way up steadily, and has since completed a half marathon and plans on doing more.

Joetta says that now she is more conscious of making time to take care of herself with healthy food and allotting time for exercise.

With her weight loss and fitness improvement she has lots more energy. Before working with me she says she was frequently too tired to exercise. Now she likes running several times a week and goes to spinning classes at the gym. She works out with me one or two days a week doing weight. She also enjoys exercising with the TRX suspension system that I have in my gym. She purchased one for home, I created a program for her and she enjoys doing a TRX workout at home.

One of her favorite pastimes now is shopping for new clothes and wears things she wouldn't before. And she says she is looking forward to kicking husband's butt skiing this winter.

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