Escort a Dog From Maui or Kauai Back to The NW and Save a Dog's Life
Published: 11/30/2018
Are you vacationing to Kauai or Maui? The Kauai and Maui Humane societies are seeking vacationing Northwest residents to escort a dog or two to the mainland on their next trip. These transfer programs helps save lives by sending dogs to mainland guarantee no-kill shelters who have partnered with the program. These shelters have more exposure, space for and higher adoption rates than the Kauai and Maui shelters. This is a golden opportunity for the overcrowded Hawaiian shelter dogs to have a life rather than being euthanized.
Kauai's Humane Society program is called Aloha Escorts. Through a deal with Alaska Airlines the dogs can accompany a returning tourist on a nonstop flight to Seattle, Portland, San Diego or Oakland and go to a shelter for adoption. Contact with your flight date and destination.
Maui's Humane society program is called Wings of Aloha. (For more about the program go here). Through a deal with Alaska Airlines, the dogs can accompany a returning tourist on a nonstop flight to Seattle or Portland and go to a shelter for adoption. Go here with your flight date and destination.
It's easy to do. Volunteers on both ends handle the logistics. The Kauai and Maui shelters pays the discounted rate given by the airline and provides the dog crate, as well as the necessary medical papers.
If you are taking a non-stop flight on an airline listed above to the cities the program flies to from either Kauai or Maui, all you need to do is contact the Maui or Kauai Humane Society. Provide your name, phone number, email address, and flight confirmation code. Staff will contact the Airlines to reserve space on the flight for a pet. Staff will contact the transfer partners in the shelter areas to confirm their ability to accept the dog. Staff will meet you at the Airlines ticket counter 3 hours before your flight. Staff will bring the pet, kennel and all travel documents and ensure check in goes smoothly. Upon arriving at your destination, pick up your luggage and continue your travels as usual. The transfer partner shelter will pick up the pets in Baggage Claim at the airport.
Please consider doing this on your next Hawaiian vacation. This gives the dogs a chance at a cherished life that they truly deserve by transferring animals to shelters and rescues that will guarantee adoption.
VIDEO: Wings of Aloha Guarantees Adoption
VIDEO: Kauai Aloha Escorts Program
UPDATE 12/3/2015 from Jennifer McGurn of Maui Humane society:
"Wow!!!! This blog is amazing! I handle the Wings of Aloha program at the Maui Humane Society and this blog article is BLOWING UP!! We've been inundated with phone calls and emails as a result of this article. Thank you so much for featuring us and our program! Many, many dogs' lives will be saved because of this article and all the people responding to it. Thank you again!"
Categories: Miscellaneous
Tags: #travelexercise
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