Exercise during the Workday Improves Job Performance
Published: 09/15/2013
A study from the University of Bristol showed that after exercising, participants returned to work more tolerant of themselves and more forgiving of their colleagues. Their work performance was also consistently higher, as shown by better time management and improved mental sharpness.
Researchers expected that midday exercise would enhance mood. But the boosts in productivity surprised them, proving that workplace exercise programs benefit more than just the workers—they give companies more efficient employees who work better together. Health care costs can be expected to go down for employees who exercise regularly at work, resulting in fewer sick days, better attendance and more cooperation between co-workers.
So take your walking shoes to work and take a walk instead of going out for a high-calorie lunch. After all, taking time to exercise could translate into higher pay if your job performance improves as a result.
Categories: Active Healthy Aging Fitness Healthy Behavior Change
Tags: #exercise
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