Hiking is a healthy lifestyle habit. McClellan's Butte

Habits of a Healthy lifestyle

Better lifestyle habits can help you reduce your risk for heart attack, lose weight and help you be healthier.

What regular habits do people who have a healthy lifestyle maintain?

  • Prepare food in advance for quick grab meals
  • Educate themselves about nutrition and fitness by subscribing to 1 or two credible magazines or newsletters
  • Drink alcohol moderately. (Less than 2 per day for men or 1 per day for women)
  • Eat a healthy breakfast daily
  • Shop wisely. Use a list. Read labels
  • Pantry stocked with healthy foods and kept purged of unhealthy ones
  • Plan meals weekly
  • Pack their lunch and snacks
  • Eat 4-5 times a day
  • Go out to eat infrequently
  • Get enough sleep
  • Regular physician check ups
  • Weekly 4 hour+ fitness activity
  • Weigh once a week
  • Have friends who have a healthy lifestyle

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