How to Attract By Improving How You Project
Published: 06/21/2013

In my weight loss coaching, I teach about the importance of our thoughts, compassion, self-nurturing because how we think directly impacts how we take care of ourself. With a secure and confident self, we can be more successful in achieving and behavioral goal, including weight loss and be happier in the meantime.
Whether it's your business or personal life, we can gain more by ATTRACTING more.
How to attract? Consider this: What are you projecting?
Are you projecting a life full of joy, happiness, excitement, fulfillment, greatness, pleasure, thrill, encouragement, and other HAPPY, FUN words?
Or...are you projecting need, desperation, discomfort, fear, anxiety or other NOT SO FUN words?
What this essentially means is that people will PERCEIVE AS REALITY what you PROJECT.
Just like a movie projector that is projecting an image on the screen. People will SEE whatever it is that you DECIDE to PROJECT.
If you are putting out there things like fun, joy, excitement, possibility, positivity, etc., THAT is what they will SEE on the screen of your life.
So...think about this ONE SIMPLE THING for just a moment.
SIMPLE but EXTREMELY powerful.
You see. There's something incredibly powerful about what a smile does for well as the person RECEIVING the smile.
Smiles make people feel good.
Smiles make YOU feel good.
Smiles release happy endorphins in your body.
Smiles make people want to be around you.
Try something this week. Smile more.
Smile at people you meet.
Smile on the phone.
Smile by yourself.
If you make a commitment to SMILE more this week than you ever have, you will see a direct impact in your business and in your personal life.
Just do it and see what happens!
Categories: Healthy Behavior Change Mindset Weight Management
Tags: #healthyhabits
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