Phone Nutrition Consults Can Be Scheduled

Published:  03/16/2020

Phone Nutrition Consults 

Nutritional counseling can help you develop and maintain healthy dietary habits to lose weight or prevent chronic illness. Knowing about nutrition isn't always enough: you have to learn how to apply it to your life and how to change your eating patterns. I can help you do just that.

I am Maria Faires, RD. I am a Master Certified Personal Trainer, Registered Dietitian and Advanced Health and Fitness Specialist. I own a fitness and nutrition consulting private practice in Sammamish where I provide highly personalized nutrition services and personal training. To see reviews about me and my services search for my Google listing Active Nutrition Fitness and Nutrition Consulting.

Step 1: Get In Touch

Get started with a free 15 minute phone consultation, where I learn more about you and how I can help support you. We'll discuss how many sessions is right for you and you'll have a chance to ask questions about how I work and what to expect from the process. Contact me at

Step 2: Set an appointment, fill out paperwork and start logging food

The next step is to set a phone appointment and then I will send you some paperwork to fill out and mail to me. If we have decided in our initial phone consultation that it would be beneficial to have you log food and exercise in an online journal like My Fitness Pal, I will send you personalized settings.

Step 3: Initial Session 

In our initial 90 minute consultation, we'll assess your current health and nutrition status by discussing your medical history, diet history, physical activity habits, eating behaviors, and usual food patterns and preferences. With this information, I'll share essential nutrition information, helpful tips, resources and recipes, and plenty of healthy strategies that will help you get closer to a healthier life. Then, together, we create a comprehensive action plan based upon your unique health and nutrition goals to set you up for nutrition and wellness success.

Step 4: Ongoing Support 

60-minute follow-up appointments are strongly recommended to assess your progress and will focus on introducing strategies to help you move towards your goals, working through obstacles, provide ongoing education and revisiting and adjusting your goals to help you and propel you forward.

How Many Sessions?

New clients may wonder how many sessions are needed. That will depend on your goals, readiness to change, what support systems you have in place, and where your relationship with food currently stands. It is challenging to predict, but I am here for you as long as you find value in our sessions and need support.

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