Visualize Your Goal

Staying Motivated When You Begin An Exercise Program

Some of the most common reasons people cite for beginning an exercise program is that they want to lose weight or gain muscle or tone. They begin exercising full of enthusiasm with these goals in mind but slowly find that enthusiasm and motivation dropping. Getting motivated can be challenging, and continuing the level of initial enthusiasm can be even more challenging.

The main motivator is to remember WHY you want to work out in the first place: to improve your health, feel better and look better. Be patient with your workout routine and your desire to see results. Your body didn't get into its present state in a couple of weeks and it will take more than a couple of weeks to change the current shape of your body.

Routine is Important

Its helpful if you make it a habit. Working out is similar to brushing your teeth--it's essential to your good health and if you make it part of your daily routine it will become a natural habit. Determine and maintain a consistent routine. If you set aside Monday, Wednesday and Friday as your days to work out, then try to stick to that schedule and don't cancel your workout.  Enjoy the process of getting fit; feeling stronger and watching your body take shape.

Give it Time

Some people get frustrated and give up if they don't see external changes in their bodies immediately. Don't let that happen to you. Keep in mind that change doesn't come overnight, and when it comes to losing weight or toning up your muscles, small changes occur with every step you run and every dumbbell you lift. It's all worth it.

Step By Step

Every time you walk to work instead of taking the bus, you're strengthening your heart. Each time you work out or mow the lawn or take the stairs instead of the elevator, you're taking a step toward a healthier life.

Your Efforts Pay Off Eventually

Even if you don't see external changes immediately, know that your efforts are improving your body on the inside. The outside will come with your continued work. So keep at it. It takes approximately six weeks to see a physical change from a regular exercise program.

Visualize Your Goal

Thinking about fitting into that special dress or looking fit for that school reunion can be great motivators. Picture in your mind what you will look like and how good you will feel. In fact, research has documented that you have to have a goal you can visualize before you can handle the trials and tribulations of a new fitness routine-but keep in mind that exercise is critical to your heart and cardiovascular system and not just your ego.

Do It Because It's Good For You

Exercise should be a priority in your life because not only do you look and feel better, it essentially affects the quality of your life. Get motivated by focusing on the benefits of exercise:

  1. Helps you lose weight.
  2. Tones muscle.
  3. Improves your posture.
  4. Helps you look and feel better.
  5. Strengthens your bones and muscles.
  6. Helps lower blood pressure and susceptibility to diabetes, arthritis and heart disease.
  7. Helps reduce stress and increase energy.
  8. Improves your quality of sleep.
  9. Increases your stamina.
  10. Improves your immunity to minor illnesses.

Need Help?

And if you find yourself still feeling like your motivation, is waning, consider contacting a qualified personal trainer to help. The guidance of a personal trainer can help you stick to your routine. If you're considering hiring a personal trainer, make sure that trainer is certified, and try to speak to current and former clients of the trainer.

The time to improve your health is right now! Don't wait until tomorrow or next week. Start right now. Go for a walk. Turn on some music and dance. If you can take that first step, then you can be on your way to working out and getting into shape. An investment in your health today will pay rewarding dividends in your future. 

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