Success Story: Peggy 25 Pound Loss in 7 Months!

Published:  10/14/2019

7 mo. 24 days Progress: Lost 25 pounds of body weight, lost 23.25 inches, improved cardiovascular fitness by 39% and improved upper body strength 150%!

January 15, 2019 the day we began and then August 29, 2019

I am so excited about the results my client Peggy has achieved in such a short time. Read her story and what she did to achieve this success, see her measurements, read her review below and watch her demonstrate some exercises with her new fitness on the challenging TRX Suspension System.

Peggy is a 55 year old full-time college chemistry professor, wife and mother of three grown sons who came to me for a combination weight management program and fitness training saying, “I am not in horrible shape but over the past ten years I have watched my weight creep up 3-4 pounds a year and my strength, flexibility and stamina decrease. I appreciate the lifestyle approach to fitness that I have been reading on your website and would like to meet with you to work together on my path to a leaner, stronger and healthier me.”

When we first met she told me about her current exercise which was walking to work only once every 3 weeks, she did not lift weights, enjoyed biking but hadn't done that regularly and she enjoyed gardening but only did that seasonally.

After discussing it, we decided she would work out twice a week with me, I would teach her a weight training routine she could do at the college gym or at home once a week, she would do cardio at the gym 4 days a week, would make a date with a friend to walk on weekends and she and her husband would plan a biking or hiking excursion once a week. In addition she planned on taking the stairs instead of the elevator at work. This didn't all happen immediately, but with time she was able to attain that schedule and really started seeing the results.

We also met for some nutrition sessions where I reviewed a food journal that she had kept for a week. She noticed that when she didn't plan ahead that she didn't eat as healthy as she would like. In our sessions, we targeted her goals and strategies to reach them. So, for instance, she started preplanning menus using the delicious recipes on my blog, took a healthy lunch to work and planned a dedicated lunch break for herself. She and her husband researched and started cooking new healthier recipes together. Throughout her journey, she knew she could ask me questions and we could discuss any barriers she encountered.

Look at the muscles she created in only 7 months! She is enjoying showing off her toned arms instead of covering up her arms!

Today she would tell you that she is more intentional with her activity and  exercise and has reduced her dally calorie intake but doesn't feel hungry because of the new food choices she is making. She is more interested in choosing the type of foods she eats, plans much better now for healthier lunches and dinners and cooking healthier foods. She prioritizes sessions with me as she continues with two sessions per week (she drives 35-60 minutes each way to me-WOW) and prioritizes exercising and eating healthy foods. She says she doesn't feel like she has been "dieting" or giving things up.



In addition to the following measurements, Peggy also improved her blood cholesterol and blood sugar values. Her good cholesterol HDL rose from 27.6 to 63!! An HDL-C level of 60 mg/dL or greater is a negative (protective) risk factor for coronary heart disease. High HDL levels protect against coronary heart disease. So not only has she lost weight, she has improved her health.

7 mo. 24 days Progress Summary

Lost 25 pounds of body weight
Lost 23.25 inches
Improved cardiovascular fitness 39%
Improved upper body strength 150%
Cholesterol and blood sugar improvements

Peggy could have accepted her current lifestyle as her fate and her weight would have continued to increase at 3-4 pounds per year and her health and fitness level would have continued to get worse possibly leading to obesity and the conditions that would make her more likely to have heart disease and stroke, high blood pressure, diabetes, some cancers, gallbladder disease, and osteoarthritis. Instead Peggy made a choice to work towards gaining strength, power, endurance, and function which ultimately will help her live a longer and healthier life.

Peggy's Review on Google
"Maria Faires is an experienced and extremely knowledgeable personal trainer who focuses on your fitness goals, tailoring each safe and effective workout to your individual needs.  Maria varies each workout to keep it interesting and challenging.  She works alongside you to demonstrate technique and to motivate you.  Maria tells you the “why” for each exercise, which is a nice distraction while you are working hard!  As a Registered Dietitian, Maria guides you to be leaner and more fit, on the inside as well as the outside.  Her clean professional home-studio has a comfortable atmosphere.  The studio is very well-equipped - like going to a gym, but without the intimidation factor!  Maria's coaching style is always positive and encouraging.  I had questioned whether I could lose weight as a 56 year old female.  Through a program of weight training, cardio, and eating healthy foods, I have lost 25 pounds in under 8 months - and I am keeping it off!  I have also lost 6 inches in my waist and 4 inches in my hips!  I am stronger and have a much better fitness level overall.  When I started working with Maria, I could do 14 pushups, but 8 months later, I can do 35!  My body fat has reduced by 9%.  Maria Faires helped me turn my fitness goals into reality, and she can help you too!"

"In my initial conversation with you, I asked if it was possible to lose weight at my age. Without hesitation, you replied"absolutely!" Your confidence was what made me commit to working on a healthy lifestyle. I'm so glad I found you."

Peggy's Fitness Progress

Date 1-5-19 8-29-19 Change
Height 5'3    
Weight 147.6 122.6 25 pounds
Age 55 56  
Neck 13.75 12.75 - 1
Arm 13.25 11 - 2.25
Waist 33 27 - 6
Abdomen 35.25 28.5 - 6.75
Hips 41.5 37.5 - 4
Thigh 24.5 22 -2.5
Calf 14.75 14 -.75
Cardio Fitness 25.9 36.1 +39%
Pushups 14 35 +150%
Body Fat 33.2% 24.5% -8.7%
Cholesterol 228 195  
HDL (Good) 27.6 63  
LDL (Bad) 160 121  
HemA1C 5.7 to 5.6      

TRX Exercises Demonstrated By Peggy

Look at Peggy in action! She is now proficient in using the TRX, due to her increased strength and decreased body weight. The TRX is very challenging, works muscles and pushes your strength in unique ways and takes your body to the limit. No matter what exercise you do, it almost certainly works the core. I recommend the TRX to all my intermediate to advanced clients. I teach my clients several routines that they can do at home or when they travel as the TRX is easy to travel with. Here I am demonstrating a difficult TRX Side Plank on vacation.

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