Success Story: Rachel

Published:  09/18/2016

25 year old Rachel first contacted me in May of this year. She had previously worked with a trainer but hadn't seen results. She told me that she wanted to lose body fat and gain muscle, improve her energy and improve the nutritional quality of her diet. We decided that a weekly in-person training session and a weekly nutrition session phone call would work well for her.

In addition to teaching her a strength training routine with dumbbells that she could do at home, she purchased a TRX system and I taught her several workouts that she could do for variety. She was inspired to lift weights more often by the knowledge of how much muscle is lost with dieting alone.

We recently completed a progress report and in 133 days she has lost 12.2 pounds, 5% body fat, almost 11 inches (3.75 inches from her abdomen alone), and increased her strength. As you can see from her pictures she is very toned. Doesn't she look great?!

Rachel is thrilled with her results. See her Yelp review here. She says that it was helpful to learn about a correct heart rate zone that would maximize the effectiveness of her workouts, make them more challenging, burn more calories and increase her fitness level. She also enjoys having several different weight training workouts that she can do at home.

She also thinks it was essential that she did the nutrition consult sessions."Tracking food in an online journal was very helpful. I learned how much sodium and fat was in the food I had been eating.  I saw that I was eating more processed foods than what I probably should have been. To incorporate more healthy foods, it helped that Maria told me to focus on increasing the fiber content of my diet as high-fiber foods like vegetables, beans, nuts, seeds and whole grains also have more nutrition. I found that that I easily began replacing the unhealthy foods I was eating before. For instance I used to eat mashed potatoes as my side dish and now I eat more broccoli. Maria also taught me how to cook more healthy foods that both my boyfriend and I would like. We now have many healthy favorites."  And she is happy to report that she has much more energy. 

Rachel's Fitness Progress Report

Date 5-1-16 9-10-16 Progress in 133 days
Height 5'6 5'6 5'6
Weight 135.6 123.4 -12.2#
Neck 13 12.75 -.25
Arm 11.25 11 -.25
Forearm 9 9 0
Wrist 5.75 5.75 0
Waist 30.5 27.5 - 2.5
Abdomen 33.5 29.75 - 3.75
Hips 39 37 - 2
Thigh 22.5 21.25 - 1.25
Calf 13.25 12.5 - .75
Body Fat 22.6 17.6 - 5%
Pushups 23 36 + 13

Rachel After!

Fit woman

It's wonderful to see Rachel thriving! Her commitment to regular exercise and a balanced diet, inspired by my advice, is truly paying off. She's looking and feeling amazing!

Rachel is making great progress on her fitness journey. By consistently following her workout regimen and nutrition plan, she's not only losing weight but also feeling energized and confident.

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