Thanksgiving Feasting: See what a difference a few choices can make!

Published:  11/20/2017

See what a difference a few choices can make!

The average American consumes 4,800 calories on Thanksgiving!

Here's how to enjoy your feast and save about 2700 calories.

  • Only use jam on toast, no butter
  • Eat whole fruit not juice
  • Use low-fat milk instead of cream
  • Knowing you are going to feast, eat a light breakfast
  • Instead of potato chips eat pretzels and a small amount
  • Instead of regular dip eat low-fat dip
  • Drink smaller portions of caloric beverages like egg nog or champagne
  • Instead of crackers and cheese eat raw veggies and salsa
  • Eat rolls without butter
  • Make low-fat recipes for things like stuffing and gravy
  • Eat steamed veggies without butter
  • Choose acorn squash instead of butter and sugar laden sweet potato casserole
  • Choose pumpkin pie instead of pecan which has more calories
  • Choose fruit instead of pie
  • Drink skim milk instead of 2% or whole

Thanksgiving feasting, breakfast to midnight: Comparison of a typical and a low-fat healthier menu 

Menu I Menu 2 (low-fat)
I cup orange juice 110 1 cup orange juice 110
2 slices toast 135 2 slices toast 135
1 tbsp butter 100 1 tbsp jam 55
1 tbsp jam 55 1 cup coffee with low-fat milk 15
2 eggs, scrambled in butter 220    
1 cup coffee with cream 35    
Breakfast Total 655   315
10 potato chips 105 5 pretzels 120
with creamy dip 120 with low-fat yogurt dip 35
5 crackers with cheese 175 raw vegetables with salsa 40
1 cup egg nog 340 1/2 cup egg nog 170
Appetizer Total 740   365
8 oz champagne 170 4 oz champagne 85
6 oz turkey, white & dark meat, with skin 345 6 oz turkey, white meat, no skin 230
1/4 cup gravy 30 1/4 cup low-fat gravy 20
1 cup standard stuffing 500 1 cup low-fat stuffing 125
2 candied sweet potatoes 285 1 cup acorn squash 115
1 cup buttered steamed green beans 70 I cup steamed green beans 35
2 rolls, buttered 240 2 rolls 170
1/4 cup canned cranberry sauce 105 1/4 cup low-sugar cranberry sauce 85
1 slice pecan pie, with whipped cream 520 I slice pumpkin pie 175
Dinner Total 2,265   1,040
turkey sandwich, with mayo, cranberry sauce, standard stuffing 585 turkey sandwich with low-fat stuffing, cranberry sauce, gravy 345
1 slice pecan pie 495 1 slice melon 45
1 cup whole milk 150 1 cup skim milk 85
Supper Total 1,230   475
% calories from fat





























































































































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