Chicken, quinoa and brocccoli
The Healthy Plate
To create a healthful, balanced lunch, dinner or snack, include three food groups:
Produce such as raw, steamed, sautéed or roasted vegetable, fruit slices, or salad;
Lean protein such as seafood, fish, chicken, turkey, tofu, beans, or low-fat cottage cheese;
Whole-grain carbohydrates such as such as one slice of whole-grain bread, or half a cup of brown rice or other cooked whole grain, whole-wheat pasta, or quinoa. Or another healthy carbohydrate like fruit, peas, beans, legumes, dairy.
Think of a healthful plate in halves and quarters:
- roughly half of your plate should be vegetables and/or fruit;
- one-quarter should be lean protein
- one-quarter should be whole grains
- Feel free to include a small amount of healthy fat, such as a tablespoon (please measure) of oil-and-vinegar dressing on your salad, seeds or nuts or avocado.
Categories: Food
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