Simple Tips for Staying In Shape When You Travel
Published: 12/05/2019

How to make health and fitness a priority when you travel
Simple Tips for Staying In Shape When You Travel
Many travelers believe the obstacles, pressures and limitations of frequent travel are the real culprits behind their unhealthy habits. The experts know better: People who make exercise and healthful eating a priority in their daily lives don't abandon those habits when they're on the road.
Here are some strategies for choosing and committing to a healthier lifestyle:
- Plan ahead and take workout clothes, shoes and preview and print out a travel workout like this one!
- Build in incentives. Give yourself something to look forward to. Pick a scenic route for a walk or run. Exercise at your favorite time of day. Swim in a great pool. Try out new equipment. Take an exercise class you haven't done before. Schedule a massage after a workout.
- Be flexible. You'll short-circuit your regimen if you limit yourself to an equipment-dependent routine. Throw in a walk or a run, a hike in the mountains or around town. And use what's available. In your hotel room, I suggest doing some body weight exercises. Use a towel and a chair as props for a stretch-and-tone routine for the entire body. A cardiovascular workout is as close as a hotel's or an office building's stairs: Run up and down as many flights as you can in whatever time is available. Take a brisk walk outside during lunch or a break.
- Pack your equipment. Lightweight exercise bands, TRX or a jump rope don't take up much room. Some hotels also provide everything from mats and a foam roller to a stationary bicycle or treadmill to free weights for in-room use.
- Exercise in little bits. It's okay if you don't have an hour to spare; you don't need a lot of time to work out effectively. Use small chunks of time, as little as five minutes, to exercise wherever you can in the early morning, during a break in the day, between meetings. No one ever said you had to do them all at the same time. A couple of stretches here, some push-ups and planks there, a few yoga postures, a quick run on the stairs, a brisk walk around the block, some deep breathing, all help. And it all adds up.
- Plan ahead. Search online or call ahead for local facilities and resources such as health clubs, YMCAs or YWCAs, or community centers.
- Healthy eating on the road is important too. Here are some tips for eating and exercising on the road.
Categories: Fitness Healthy Boat Living
Tags: #travelexercise
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