Healthy Hiking or Snowshoeing Lunch and Snacks
Mission Organic Whole Wheat tortilla Slice of cheese Natural (no preservative) lunch meat Pesto, reduced fat mayo or mustard Any green leafy vegetables Spread mayo, mustard or pesto on tortilla. Layer meat, cheese and greens. Roll tightly and wrap in foil or plastic wrap. Or for easier eating, cut ...
Found in: Food • Hiking and Mountaineering
Whey Protein vs Collagen: Which is Best for Muscle Growth
Collagen and Muscle Building (Meta-Analysis): Bischof K, Moitzi AM, Stafilidis S, König D. Impact of Collagen Peptide Supplementation in Combination with Long-Term Physical Training on Strength, Musculotendinous Remodeling, Functional Recovery, and Body Composition in Healthy Adults: A Systematic Review with Meta-an ...
Found in: Active Healthy Aging • Nutrition • Supplements • Weight Management
Creatine: Your Muscle-Building Ally
Creatine as your trusted muscle-building partner. Remember: Choose monohydrate. Take 5g daily. Be consistent. Forget the myths. With creatine fueling your workouts, you'll unlock your full muscle-building potential and reach your fitness goals faster. So, start your creatine journey and experience the p ...
Found in: Active Healthy Aging • Fitness • Health Conditions • Nutrition • Supplements
Choosing a Sports Carbohydrate Replacement
If you are exercising vigorously for 1-2 ½ hours then it's smart to consume a 120-240 calories (30-60 grams of carbs, lower amount for person weighing less and/or less vigorous exercise) per hour snack or beverage to keep your blood sugar and energy levels stable throughout your hike. If you are exercisin ...
Found in: Fitness • Food • Hiking and Mountaineering • Supplements
Last Minute Tips Before Your Mountain Climb
Ask for support from your guide if you need it. Offer support and encouragement to your teammates. Focus on your breathing and heart rate. Get into a pace and you'll start climbing like a machine. Play music in your mind and keep the beat going on. You will feel physical discomfort. This isn't necessarily a &q ...
Found in: Hiking and Mountaineering
Fueling for Performance for Hiking and Mountaineering
For intense hiking training for mountaineering, you will benefit from having a well-planned fueling program that ensures adequate calorie and fluid intake. And for maximum fueling, choose "Real Foods" instead of processed like candy bars, protein or energy bars, granola bars, etc. See this post: Hiking Snack: Proc ...
Found in: Fitness • Food • Hiking and Mountaineering
Anemia, Iron Supplementation and the Mountaineer
Get personalized nutrition and fitness advice from a professional who specializes in mountaineering! If you need an individualized plan contact me to work with me 1-on- 1. Want the scoop on the latest nutrition research, healthy recipes, and nutrition tips delivered directly to your inbox? Write an ...
Found in: Food
Proteins: Complete, Incomplete and Complementary
Want the scoop on the latest nutrition research, healthy recipes, and nutrition tips delivered directly to your inbox? Write and let me know you'd like to subscribe to my newsletter! * I'm a Dietitian and Master Personal Trainer who educates and inspires people LIKE YOU to shape their eating, exercise and life ...
Found in: Food
Real Food Refueling During Exercise
Carbohydrate is the only fuel that can sustain moderate to high level effort that is required in most sports and athletic endeavors. Carbohydrate is stored in the in skeletal muscle and liver in a form called glycogen. Glycogen can become depleted during continuous exercise lasting at least one hour and during intense inter ...
Found in: Fitness • Food • Hiking and Mountaineering
Hydration for Sports Guidelines
Dehydration (water deficit in excess of 2% to 3% body mass) decreases exercise performance; thus, optimal fluid intake before, during, and after exercise is important for health and optimal athletic performance. Frequently drinking water and/or a sports beverage during exercise is one of the most effective ergogenic ...
Found in: Fitness • Hiking and Mountaineering
Hiking Snack: Processed versus Real Food
Whether you are hiking or taking a snack to the office, choose real food not processed packaged foods. Stay fueled and energized on your next hiking trip with healthy and nutrient-packed "real food" hiking foods that will keep hiking all day long! Choosing"real food" will provide your body with m ...
Found in: Food • Hiking and Mountaineering
Healthy Protein Foods for Comparison
Protein Foods Protein builds, repairs and maintains muscle and body tissues. To optimally do so, it's important to eat the right amount and the right kind of protein to get the health benefits. This chart highlights some of the healthiest sources of proteins.Compare portion sizes with calories, carbs, fat, protein& ...
Found in: Active Healthy Aging • Food • Weight Management