Whey Protein vs Collagen: Which is Best for Muscle Growth
Collagen and Muscle Building (Meta-Analysis): Bischof K, Moitzi AM, Stafilidis S, König D. Impact of Collagen Peptide Supplementation in Combination with Long-Term Physical Training on Strength, Musculotendinous Remodeling, Functional Recovery, and Body Composition in Healthy Adults: A Systematic Review with Meta-an ...
Found in: Active Healthy Aging • Nutrition • Supplements • Weight Management
How To Minimize Holiday Weight Gain
Many will fall into the trap of gaining holiday pounds over the next several weeks, only to be faced with a belly of blubber that must be worked off in January. With a little thought and planning, YOU can avoid that cycle and start January ahead of the pack! Here are 5 tips to stay on track this holiday season. 1. & ...
Found in: Food • Healthy Behavior Change • Weight Management
Things to consider before starting a weight-loss program
Because losing weight requires a lot of focus and mental and physical energy, you can't just plunge in. You need to make a commitment and prepare yourself. Part of that preparation is determining whether now is the right time. It's OK if it's not. Your success depends on your readiness to take this challenge on. ...
Found in: Mindset • Weight Management
Meal Replacements for Weight Loss
Weight loss can reduce disease-related morbidity and mortality and weight losses of 10-15 kg have been shown to reverse type 2 diabetes. I offer weight loss and exercise programs. I personally guide you through what you need to know to lose weight and improve your health through safe, effective means. Using a low calo ...
Found in: Food • Weight Management
Is High Intensity Interval Training Best for Weight Loss for Beginning Exercisers?
New or inexperienced exercisers may have some misperceptions in regards to cardio training. It is not uncommon for an individual to begin an exercise program with the intention of losing weight by performing a high volume of cardio training at a high intensity. (By high intensity I mean to the point that speaking is po ...
Found in: Fitness • Food • Weight Management
Do you know the difference between a dietitian and a nutritionist?
A nutritionist is not subject to professional regulation and anyone can call themselves a nutrition expert even if they are self-taught. Registered dietitians have met strict requirements: a four year Bachelor’s degree, 1200 hour accredited and supervised practice internship, and have passed a national exam that bo ...
Found in: Food • Health Conditions • Healthy Behavior Change
Client Success Story: Caroline
Taken 8-3-17 12.4 pounds lost Taken 8-3-17 12.4 pounds lost Caroline is a busy professional and mother of three girls under the age of 9 who was discouraged because she felt she ate "so little" but was not seeing the pounds decrease. And, she wanted to be as strong and healthy as p ...
Found in: Healthy Behavior Change • Success Stories • Weight Management
Body Composition: Defining Success
In an effort to lose weight and excess fat, Americans spent billions of dollars for diet books, services and products. Yet, efforts such as these to achieve thinness are often based on misunderstandings about body weight and body composition. Body composition refers to the proportion of fat and fat-free mass in the body. ...
Found in: Mindset • Weight Management
Gym in a Bag Travel Workout with Bands
For each exercise, 8-12 repetitions improves strength and power, 10-15 repetitions improve strength in middle-age and older persons starting exercise, and 15-20 repetitions improve muscular endurance. I suggest trying this at home first before your trip so that you are familiar with how to do the exercises. Then you ...
Found in: Active Healthy Aging • Fitness • Healthy Boat Living • Weight Management
Walk Your Way to a Healthier You Program
As a woman over 45 myself (at age 62), I understand the challenges you face. That's why I empower women to thrive! As a registered dietitian and master certified trainer, I help you achieve sustainable weight loss, navigate menopause with ease, and embrace a life of fitness and active aging. • ...
Found in: Active Healthy Aging • Fitness • Healthy Behavior Change • Healthy Boat Living • Hiking and Mountaineering • Weight Management
Body Composition and Weight Loss: What's the Real Goal?
Strength Training + Calorie Reduction = Fat Loss + Muscle Gain A Real Life Example Here is an example of the power of an excellent workout and healthy eating plan. These are the stats of one of my female clients that I have been working with for one year. When we started training and nutrition counseling in Ja ...
Found in: Weight Management
Just look at the success Joetta has had! Decreased body fat: 7.3% Decreased weight: 29.8 pounds Decreased inches: 17.75 inches Strength increased! Pushups from 30 to 62! Dropped three sizes from a size 14 to a size 8 When Joetta initially called me she told me it was time to co ...
Found in: Healthy Behavior Change • Success Stories • Weight Management